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Dementia Training 101 – Presentation and Clinical Management of Dementia

Course Description Dementia is a syndrome, especially common in old age, describing a characteristic pattern of symptoms that can result from many different brain diseases. It is not a diagnosis, nor can it be identified neuropathologically or by neuroimaging, nor is it the result of normal aging. Once recognized, it requires further assessment to identify the likely subtype (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson’s disease, or frontotemporal dementia). This course will help the healthcare professional to indicate prognosis and guide best therapeutic intervention and management. Course Outline Hour #1 Presentation Diagnostic Criteria Clinical Presentation Cognitive Symptoms Activities of Daily Living Behavioral and psychological symptoms Differential Diagnosis Reaching a Diagnosis History Taking Physical Examination and Mental State Assessment Cognitive Testing Laboratory Testing Neuroimaging Other Investigations Telling the Diagnosis Management Safety and Risk Memory Aids and Cognitive Training Nonpharmacologic Therapies Drug …

November 9, 2023
Free Trial: Massage Therapist

Occupational Therapists and Assistants are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages to help them achieve independence and improve their quality of life through the use of everyday activities. They use a variety of techniques and interventions to enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, and help people develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. They work with patients who have a wide range of conditions, including physical or mental disabilities, injuries, or chronic illnesses. They are an integral part of the rehabilitation team and play a vital role in helping people return to their normal activities.

April 13, 2023
Free Trial: Occupational Therapists and Assistants

Occupational Therapists and Assistants are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages to help them achieve independence and improve their quality of life through the use of everyday activities. They use a variety of techniques and interventions to enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, and help people develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. They work with patients who have a wide range of conditions, including physical or mental disabilities, injuries, or chronic illnesses. They are an integral part of the rehabilitation team and play a vital role in helping people return to their normal activities.

April 11, 2023
Free Trial: Physical Therapist & Assistant

Occupational Therapists and Assistants are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages to help them achieve independence and improve their quality of life through the use of everyday activities. They use a variety of techniques and interventions to enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, and help people develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. They work with patients who have a wide range of conditions, including physical or mental disabilities, injuries, or chronic illnesses. They are an integral part of the rehabilitation team and play a vital role in helping people return to their normal activities.

April 13, 2023
Home modifications 101 – Introduction to Home Modifications

Course Description With the population aging and the majority of seniors wishing to remain in their homes after retirement, there’s growing demand for high quality home modifications. Rehabilitation professionals are uniquely qualified to fill this need, as they understand individual conditions to reduce fall risks and improve functioning in and around the home. This course will provide education on how to conduct a home modification assessment, determine problem areas in five zones of the home and determine individual solutions. We will cover specifics on how to take measurements and pictures to support the assessment, how to get buy-in from the client, and what features in a home often need updating to maximize use as body functions change. Course Outline Hour #1 Course Audience Home Mods defined Defining the need   Hour #2 ABCs of a Home Eval How to Measure Room by Room …

November 9, 2023
Incontinence 101 – Gotta Go – An Introduction to Incontinence in Senior Women

Course Description: Are you seeing more falls and toileting issues in your practice? Are you looking for simple intervention strategies that can help your patients? Incontinence is a topic often whispered about which can affect functional, physical and psychological function. It is quite common in both men and women, as well as in older populations. This course will focus on incontinence in senior women and the role that clinicians can have in improving their well-being. You will learn about the different types of incontinence, simple behavioral/ nutritional /diaphragmatic strategies, and complementary methods that can be provided. A listing of assessment tools that can be utilized in both the clinic and home environments including the Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire and the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory are included with a resource section for you to explore.   Course length: 1 contact hour / 0.1 ceu Course Outline Hour #1 Introduction to the Problem of Incontinence in Senior Women Role of OT in Incontinence Management Incontinence Risk Factors Role of the Pelvic Floor Muscles Pelvic Floor Anatomy Other Important Musculature Pelvic Awareness Lab Assessment Tools  OT Treatment Recommendations Dietary and Liquid Recommendations ADLS and Home Environment  Pelvic Floor Exercises  Interventions by Pelvic Floor Therapists  Building Up Pelvic Floor Muscles  For Relaxation of Pelvic Floor Muscles  Role of Diaphragm  Breathing Lab  Complementary Methods  Case …

November 9, 2023
Massage Therapists Gold
– Accepted By NCBTMB
– Choose From Over 60 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 14 Credit Hours
– Discounts On Additional Purchases
December 16, 2022
Massage Therapists Platinum
– Accepted By NCBTMB
– Access All Courses Approved In Your State
– 12-Month UNLIMITED Access To On-Demand Courses
– Unlimited Access To Monthly Webinars
– Access Over 1,000 Credit Hours
December 16, 2022
Massage Therapists Silver
– Accepted By NCBTMB
– Choose From Over 60 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 2 Credit Hours Of Your Choice
December 16, 2022
Medical Errors 204 – Preventing Medication Errors in Healthcare

Course Description Medication errors are preventable events that can happen in clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, and patient’s homes. Patients and healthcare providers can work together to help avoid errors from occurring and should report all events to prevent future systematic mistakes from happening again. This course will introduce healthcare workers to the role of regulation, culture, systems, and technology in maintaining medication and patient safety. Attendees will learn how to prevent, detect, and report medication error events. Course Outline Hour #1 Introduction to patient safety What are adverse drug events? What are medication errors? Factors contributing to medication errors Human-related errors System-related errors Medication-related errors Root Cause Analysis What is Root Cause Analysis Swish Cheese Model Fishbone Diagram   Hour #2 Ways to prevent medication error Five-Rights Patient safety communication strategies Medical abbreviation Look-alike, sound-alike drugs High alert and high-risk medications Health literacy in patient safety Culture of Safety Proper medication disposal   Organizations that Promote Safe Standards of Care Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) MedWatch Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) The Joint Commission (TJC) Standards National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) Medication error reporting systems Voluntary vs. mandatory medication error reporting Adverse event reporting Disclosure Identifying medication errors …

November 9, 2023
Occupational Therapists and Assistants Gold
– Accepted by NBCOT
– Choose From Over 100 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 15 Credit Hours
– Get Exclusive Discounts On Additional Purchases
December 16, 2022
Occupational Therapists and Assistants Platinum
– Accepted by NBCOT
– Access All Courses Approved In Your State
– 12-Month UNLIMITED Access To On-Demand Courses
– Unlimited Access To Monthly Webinars
– Access Over 1,000 Credit Hours
December 16, 2022
Occupational Therapists and Assistants Silver
– Accepted by NBCOT
– Choose From Over 100 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 2 Credit Hours Of Your Choice
November 10, 2022
Online CE For Massage Therapists

January 5, 2023
Online CE For Occupational Therapists And Assistants

Occupational Therapists and Assistants are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages to help them achieve independence and improve their quality of life through the use of everyday activities. They use a variety of techniques and interventions to enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, and help people develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. They work with patients who have a wide range of conditions, including physical or mental disabilities, injuries, or chronic illnesses. They are an integral part of the rehabilitation team and play a vital role in helping people return to their normal activities.

January 5, 2023
Online CE For Physical Therapists And Assistants

Physical Therapists and Assistants are healthcare professionals who help patients recover from injuries and illnesses, manage chronic conditions, and improve their overall mobility and function. They use a combination of exercises, stretches, and manual therapy techniques to help patients regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion. They work with patients of all ages and abilities, from athletes recovering from sports injuries to elderly patients recovering from surgery. They also provide guidance on how to prevent future injuries and promote overall health and wellness. Physical Therapists and Assistants play a vital role in helping patients return to their normal activities and lead a pain-free, active lifestyle.

January 5, 2023
Pharmacology 214 – No Pain, No Gain: An Introduction to Skeletal Muscle Pain Management

Course Description:  Healthcare workers are vital in ensuring safe and effective pain management for their patients. Pain is one of the most common reasons for patients seeking care. Musculoskeletal pain is a challenging condition for both patients and healthcare professionals. Musculoskeletal pain is prevalent and can develop into chronic pain syndromes that can be challenging to manage. Patient education, preventative strategies, and non-pharmacological pain control are preferable approaches to therapy, but a wide variety of pharmacological agents are available to meet patients’ needs. This lecture will dive deeper into recognizing the musculoskeletal pain condition and the clinical guideline approach to care. Course Highlights: Improve learners’ ability to recognize musculoskeletal pain condition and identify the clinical guideline treatment options. Discuss safety precautions and how to recognize potential medication misuse.   Course length: 2 contact hours / .2 CEU’s Course Outline Hour #1 Introduction to Skeletal Muscle Pain Epidemiology Clinical Terminology What is Musculoskeletal pain? Anatomy of Pain Acute vs Chronic Musculoskeletal pain Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Pain Measuring Pain Clinical Guideline Treatment Options Common Medications for Musculoskeletal Pain Acute vs Chronic Therapy Non- pharmacological Approach Hour #2 Pharmacological Approach Related Conditions and Treatment Options Approach to Special Populations Key Clinical Studies Best Prescribing Practices Prescribing and Deprescribing Pain Medications Prescribing Laws and Limitations How to Protect Patients from Medication Misuse Case …

November 9, 2023
Physical Therapists and Assistants Gold

– Choose From Over 100 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 20 Credit Hours
– Get Exclusive Discounts On Additional Purchases

December 16, 2022
Physical Therapists and Assistants Platinum
– Access All Courses Approved In Your State
– 12-Month UNLIMITED Access To On-Demand Courses
– Unlimited Access To Monthly Webinars
– Access Over 1,000 Credit Hours
December 16, 2022
Physical Therapists and Assistants Silver

– Choose From Over 100 On-Demand Courses
– 12-Month Access To 2 Credit Hours Of Your Choice

December 16, 2022
Therapeutic Modalities 204 – Introduction to Thermal Agents, Hot and Cold Therapy

Course Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice, by Michelle Cameron, PT. Source Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables.   Course length: 4 contact hours / 0.4 CEUs Course Outline Hour #1 Specific Heat Modes of Heat Transfer Conduction Convection Conversion Radiation Evaporation Hour #2 Cryotherapy Effects of Cold Hemodynamic Effects Neuromuscular Effects Metabolic Effects Clinical Indications for Cryotherapy Inflammation Control Edema Control Pain Control Modification of Spasticity Symptom Management in Multiple Sclerosis Facilitation Cryokinetics and Cryostretch Contraindications and Precautions for Cryotherapy Contraindications for the Use of Cryotherapy Precautions for the Use of Cryotherapy Adverse Effects of Cryotherapy Application Techniques Hour #3 General Cryotherapy Cold Packs or Ice Packs Ice Massage Controlled Cold Compression Unit Vapocoolant Sprays and Brief Icing Documentation Examples Clinical Case Studies Thermotherapy Effects of Heat Hemodynamic Effects Neuromuscular Effects Metabolic Effects Altered Tissue Extensibility Clinical Indications for Superfi cial Heat Pain Control Increased Range of Motion and Decreased Joint Stiffness Accelerated Healing Infrared Radiation for Psoriasis Hour #4 Contraindications and Precautions for Thermotherapy Contraindications for the Use of Thermotherapy Precautions for the Use of Thermotherapy Adverse Effects of Thermotherapy Burns Fainting Bleeding Skin and Eye Damage From Infrared Radiation Application Techniques General Thermotherapy Hot Packs Paraffin Fluidotherapy Infrared Lamps Contrast Bath Documentation Examples Clinical Case Studies Choosing Between Cryotherapy and …

November 9, 2023
Therapeutic Modalities 205 – Pain and Pain Management

Course Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice, by Michelle Cameron, PT. Source Description: With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables.   Course length: 2 contact hours / 0.2 CEUs Course Outline Hour #1 Pain, Nociception, and the Nociceptive System Nociceptors Primary Afferent Neurons Central Pathways The Endogenous Opioid System Central Sensitization Modulation of Nociception in the Brain Homeostatic Systems Types of Pain Acute Pain Preventing Acute Pain From Becoming Chronic Chronic Pain Primary Chronic Nociceptive Pain Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Hour #2 Central Sensitization Psychosocial Pain Measuring Pain Visual Analog and Numerical Scales Semantic Differential Scales Other Measures Pain Management Physical Agents Pharmacological Approaches Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Comprehensive Pain Management Programs Clinical Case …

November 9, 2023
Therapeutic Modalities 207 – Motion Restrictions

Course Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice, by Michelle Cameron, PT. Source Description: With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables.   Course length: 2 contact hours / 0.2 CEUs Course Outline Hour #1 Types of Motion Active Motion Passive Motion Physiological and Accessory Motion Patterns of Motion Restriction Capsular Pattern of Motion Restriction Noncapsular Pattern of Motion Restriction Tissues That Can Restrict Motion Contractile Tissues Noncontractile Tissues Pathologies That Can Cause Motion Restriction Contracture Edema Adhesion Mechanical Block Spinal Disc Herniation Adverse Neural Tension Weakness Other Factors Hour #2 Examination and Evaluation of Motion Restrictions Quantitative Measures Qualitative Measures Test Methods and Rationale Contraindications and Precautions to Range-of-Motion Techniques Treatment Approaches for Motion Restrictions Stretching Motion Surgery Role of Physical Agents in the Treatment of Motion Restrictions Increase Soft Tissue Extensibility Control Inflammation and Adhesion Formation Control Pain During …

November 9, 2023
Therapeutic Modalities 208 – Ultrasound and Diathermy

Course Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice, by Michelle Cameron, PT. Source Description: With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables.   Course length: 3 contact hours / 0.3 CEUs Course Outline Hour #1 Introduction Terminology History Ultrasound Defi nition Generation of Ultrasound Effects of Ultrasound Thermal Effects Nonthermal Effects Clinical Indications for Ultrasound Soft Tissue Shortening Pain Control Soft Tissue Healing Tendon and Ligament Injuries Bone Fractures Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Phonophoresis Hour #2 Contraindications and Precautions for Ultrasound Contraindications for Ultrasound Precautions for Ultrasound Adverse Effects of Ultrasound Application Technique Ultrasound Treatment Parameters Documentation Examples Clinical Case Studies Physical Properties of Diathermy Types of Diathermy Applicators Inductive Coil Capacitive Plates Magnetron (Condenser) Effects of Diathermy Thermal Effects Nonthermal Effects Hour #3 Clinical Indications for Diathermy Thermal-Level Diathermy Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Contraindications and Precautions for Diathermy Contraindications for All Forms of Diathermy Contraindications for Thermal-Level Diathermy Contraindications for Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Precautions for All Forms of Diathermy Precautions for Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Precautions for Therapists Applying Diathermy Adverse Effects of Diathermy Burns Application Technique Positioning Documentation Examples Clinical Case Studies …

November 9, 2023
Therapeutic Modalities 209 – Electrical Currents

Course Description: This text-based course utilizes the text, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice, by Michelle Cameron, PT. Source Description: With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables.   Course length: 4 contact hour / 0.4 ceus Course Outline Hour #1 Electrical Current Devices, Waveforms, and Parameters Waveforms Parameters Effects of Electrical Currents Stimulation of Action Potentials in Nerves Direct Muscle Depolarization Ionic Effects of Electrical Currents Hour #2 Contraindications and Precautions for Electrical Currents Contraindications for Electrical Currents Precautions for Electrical Currents Adverse Effects of Electrical Currents Application Technique Patient Positioning Electrode Type Electrode Placement Documentation   Hour #3 Effects of Electrically Stimulated Muscle Contractions Innervated Muscle Denervated Muscle Clinical Applications of Electrically Stimulated Muscle Contractions Muscle Strengthening for Patients With Orthopedic Conditions Cardiorespiratory and Functional Training for Patients With Cardiac, Pulmonary, or Critical Illness Muscle Strengthening for Healthy Adults and Athletes Improved Muscle Coordination and Motor Control for Patients with Neurological Conditions Hour #4 Edema Control and Improved Circulation Retardation of Atrophy and Return of Function in Denervated Muscle Contraindications and Precautions for Electrically Stimulated Muscle Contractions …

November 9, 2023

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